"And that boy Danny called."
"A little while ago."
"How long ago?"
"I don't know. Fifteen minutes?"
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"You were sleeping."
"Who is this boy?"
"A close friend of mine. Why?"
"I don't know, it's just seems odd-"
"What seems odd?"
"That you're so close to someone you just met-"
"We've got a lot in common-"
"Like what?"
"Like we like a lot of the same things, music, books, and movies and stuff. And we have the same sense of humor- Why?"
"I don't know, he's just kind of-"
"I thought he was a girl-"
"He's not-"
"Does he like girls?"
"Jesus Christ, Mom-"
"Dan, what do you think?"
"Well, The Bible is pretty clear-"
"Fuck The Bible!"
"What the fuck? Somebody writes something in a fucking book and you believe it hook, line, and fucking sinker because you're afraid to die?"
"It's the word of God, Mark-"
"It's the word of a bunch of fucking dudes who hate you and me and everybody else and want to control every fucking thing we do."
"Language, Mark-"
"Language, Sarah!"
Mark looks around hurriedly, then makes his way to the counter, pulls out a sheet of looseleaf and a pen, scribbles like a meth machine. Then grabs a knife, shovels it through the sheet perpendicular to its faded blue lines, holds it above his head and slams the shivering blade into the center of the table, between his mother and her boyfriend.
And he walks out of the kitchen shrugging, "Then fucking believe this":

I shiver with reverent awe and fear at the sacredly sacrilegious Word of Mark!
isn't it about time the good doc prescribed little Mark something? seroquel, maybe? 500 mgs a day...
Just because Mark writes about his boyfriend, it doesn't mean he's gay. I mean I have lots of boy-friends. And it doesn't mean I'm gay. I have lots of male friends I go shopping with, wear spandex and ride bikes, and occasionally spoon on those lonely nights. J-Bean, Dupont Circle
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