Monday, September 22, 2008


Gray and black curlicues of smoke tripped skyward, the billows thinning and forming odd, familiar shapes overhead: ducks, a platypus, drops of sperm, Danny’s cock. Mark smiled. Then rose quickly to his feet as his shoulder was suddenly weighted down—with Devin Licebringer’s penis. He turned and faced Devin and the greasy man’s mute, red-faced accomplice, Moe Jury. “What the fuck, dude?”

Devin cackled, one hand holding his prick, which snaked out through his open fly, the other occupied with a half-eaten hamburger. He wiggled the former at Mark. “I oughtta make you suck it right now, you little bitch-“

Mark looked at the limp thing, its head beet-red and scabbed, and grinned. He narrowed his eyes into Devin’s. “You don’t have to make me. I’ll suck it. And bite it off.”

Devin bristled and looked back at Joe, who looked away and pushed the last bit of his hamburger into his fat jowls. He glared at Mark. “You little bitch, you ain’t never had nothing this big-“

“Well, if your baby daughter could handle it-“

“Shut the fuck up-“ Devin took a step toward Mark, then jumped back, the gaze of his wet, beady eyes lingering over Mark’s shoulder.

“Problem?” said Donte, walking up and slapping Mark’s back.

“No,” said Mark, laughing. “Just this dude thinks he’s got the biggest dick at Cedarville State-“

Delonte stepped forward, looked around quickly, then pulled out his cock, which spilled out of his knuckly fist, as if it might stretch to the ground.

“Now that’s a dick,” said Mark, as Delonte slapped it against his other hand before slinking it back into his trousers.

“Whatever,” said Devin. He stuffed his shrinking pecker back into his prison-issued khakis. “What do you expect with a nigger dick-“

“Dude,” said Mark, jumping forward, his nose an inch from Devin’s slick mustache and snorting furious breaths, “you just wrote your obituary-“

“Fuck you.” Devin stepped back and pointed his hamburger at Mark. “You’re fucking lucky Jack Anderson escaped or we’d be reading your obituary-“

“Yeah, Jack fucked the little kids and you beat ‘em-“

“Lickies!” Devin looked away, with a start..

“Problem, gentlemen?” said Officer Lickies as he stepped between the adversaries.

“No, sir,” said Devin. He took a bite of his hamburger. “Fuck, these things are good-“

“Well, why don’t you go get yourself another one?” said Lickies, shooing Devin and Moe toward the grill.

“Yeah,” Mark yelled after the retreating men to the giggling delight of his friends, “make your last meal your best.”


Anonymous said...

Oh lordy lordy! Here I was just googling barbecue recipes when I came across this nasty business. I should whoop whoever wrote this across the head!
-Marie G.

Anonymous said...

Never challenge someone named Delonte to a penis measuring contest. NEVER.

-Danny Raulé

Anonymous said...

This part of the story reminds me of that scene in Big Trouble in Little China when Kurt Russel runs over Lo Pan with the semi-truck and Lightning starts shooting lightning out of his hat. - Mel Gibson, CA

Anonymous said...

Where did this hamonica playing fool Devin Licebringer come from and why does he think he can fuck with Delonte and the Cedarville nigga's. Damn son. - Sarah Palin, Alaska

Anonymous said...

I'm John McCain and I masturbated to Sarah Palin and I approve this autobiography update.
-John McCain, USA/Vietnam

Anonymous said...

This story has real feature film potential. I was thinking I should play Delonte. Ben Affleck, CA